UJ Institute for the Future of Knowledge

Research Groups

The IFK focuses on seven themes, each championed by a research group: Blockchain and the Cryptoverse (BC), Data Science across Disciplines (DSAD), Decentralised Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems (DAICS), the Future of Diplomacy (FoD), the Future of Health (FoH), Green Futures (GF) and Work of the Future (WoF).

Decentralised Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems

Professor Arthur Mutambara

Centralised AI and Control Systems have inherent weaknesses. The Decentralised Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems Research Group is dedicated to exploring and developing fully decentralised AI and Control Systems in a transdisciplinary manner. The Group also works on integrating AI into traditional Control Systems approaches and developing new teaching materials for Control Systems classes, emphasising the multi- and transdisciplinary nature of engineering practice and the need for just-in-time pedagogy, blended learning, structured thinking, problem-solving skills, learning how to learn, and mastering how to think. Further research is carried out into reimagining the field of Control Systems and its role in the 4IR.

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